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Sunday, 26 February 2012

Supper club night: Part 2

So my second attempt at cooking what I can only describe as West African fusion resulted in a mixed bag of friends and friends of friends dining at my Mum’s house last Saturday night. It was my mother’s suggestion of holding the event at her house, whether she wanted to witness with her own eyes that I could muster something more taxing than a poached egg (despite my mother hearing of the rousing feedback I got from the first supper night) or whether it’s because to her Peckham and dining just don’t sit comfortably together, I went along with the offer nonetheless, and besides, my mum could always pitch in and peel a yam or two?  I’d toiled and fussed around with the menu for sometime before the supper club and had it finalised well in advance. I even started preparing three days prior and the last thing I wanted was to start cooking when the guests had arrived – Come dine with me contestants should take note. So the order of service went as follows: -


Gold Coast Cocktail

Hot Plantain platter

Plantain bites
Mini beef kebabs
Akwaaba nuts
Tender battered gizzards


Fish stew
Black rice
Spinach and carrot salad


Sweet yam ice cream
Banana fritters

The cocktails were a hit, of which the components have to remain a secret, needless to say, mixology isn’t my forte, but a few self taught lessons and I’m already thinking of a few more to add to my repertoire.  I loved how the plantain bites turned out – crisp and greaseless with a kick of pepper and ginger. Overall, the platter does take time to assemble, but it packs a punch both aesthetically and flavour wise. It would also work well served as nibbles at a party, so the next time I have a few friends round, I'm going to be sure to whip up my hot plantain platter. Equally, the main course - the fish stew - which consisted of snapper and cod combined with okra and sweet potato was fresh and modern while still retaining elements of traditional Ghanaian food.
The most experimental dish of the evening was the yam ice cream, certainly an acquired taste, my thoughts when creating this was to challenge the usual elements of Ghanaian food - savoury ingredients used under the guise of a sweet dish, keeping things creative by utilising spices and herbs uncommon in the staple soups and stews - it's all about thinking beyond conventions. I'm definitely running with this for awhile. 

So, now I retire to conjure up a new menu for the soon to be announced supper club three. If you fancy attending the next event, drop me an e-mail.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Preparations, musings and indecisions - cod vs snapper? Hmm...

Now, I've been counting down the days (and hours and minutes - literally) until I host my next supper club for six unsuspecting guests, for two reasons, I think; I love entertaining, as you're probably well aware, but namely because I've been itching to share the great menu I've created after much pen chewing deliberation: it's fresh, a little spicy, but most of all, I know my guests will leave plesantly stuffed with a cuisine that's new to them. It's pretty much the main reason I've joined the underground restaurant revolution - the need to share with people what I love doing most - cooking! I won't reveal too much about the menu, you'll have to tune in next week for a full, mouth watering review of all the delicousness that went down! Hint: chilli powder, plantains and chicken gizzards. Stumped? Yep, I thought so.

Anyway, all that aside, a fishy conundrum remains - do I use Cod or Red snapper for my main course? Opinions, please?